الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2007
الدعاء المعجزة
الدعاء المعجزة
رحمة الله الواسعة
كلنا نعرف سيدنا موسى عليه الصلاة والسلام وهو كليم الله
فقد أتت إليه امرأة ، وقالت له أدعو لي ربك أن يرزقني بالذرية ، فكان سيدنا
موسى عليه الصلاة والسلام يسأل الله بأن يرزقها الذرية
وبما أن سيدنا موسى عليه الصلاة والسلام كليم الله ، كان رب العزة تبارك وتعالي
يقول له يا موسى إني كتبتها عقيم
فحينما أتت إليه المرأة قال لها سيدنا موسى ، لقد سألت الله لك ، فقال ربي لي
يا موسي إني كتبتها عقيم
وبعد سنة أتت إليه المرأة تطلبه مرة أخرى أن يسأل الله أن يرزقها الذرية ، فعاد
سيدنا موسى وسأل الله لها الذرية مرة أخرى
فقال الله له كما قال في المرة الأولى يا موسى إني كتبتها عقيم
فأخبرها سيدنا موسى بما قاله الله له في المرة الأول
وبعد فترة من الزمن أتت المرأة الى سيدنا موسى وهي تحمل طفلا
فسألها سيدنا موسى طفل من هذا الذي معك ، فقالت انه طفلي رزقني الله به
فكلم سيدنا موسى ربه ، وقال يا رب لقد كتبتها عقيم
فقال الله عز وجل وعلا
يا موسى كلما كتبتها عقيم ، قالت يا رحيم
كلما كتبتها عقيم ، قالت يا رحيم
فسبقت رحمتي قدرتي
فانظر يا أخي وانظري يا أختي رحمة رب العالمين وقدرته
وإليك الدعاء
اللهم يا حي يا قيوم ، يا ذا الجلال والإكرام ، أسألك باسمك الأعظم الطيب
المبارك ، الأحب إليك الذي اذا دعيت به أجبت ، وإذا استرحمت به رحمت ، وإذا
استفرجت به فرجت ، أن تجعلنا في هذه الدنيا من المقبولين والى أعلى درجاتك
سابقين ، واغفر لي ذنوبي وخطاياي وجميع المسلمين
اللهم اغفر لي وعافني واعف عني واهدني الى صراطك المستقيم وارحمني يا أرحم
الراحمين برحمتك أستعين
سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله ، والله أكبر ولله الحمد ، وأستغفر
الله عدد خلقك ورضى نفسك وزنة عرشك ومداد كلماتك
اللهم اغفر للمسلمين جميعا الأحياء منهم والأموات وأدخلهم جناتك ، وأعزهم من
عذابك ، ولك الحمد ، وصلى اللهم على أشرف الخلق سيد المرسلين محمد صلى الله
عليه وسلم وعلى أهله وصحبه أجمعين
الأحد، 27 مايو 2007
Are men and women equal in God's judgment?
The answer is different when it comes to God compared with traditional Islam. Every Westerner thinks that Islam is very chauvinistic and oppressive towards women. In Islam of today as practiced by most traditional sectarian Muslims, this is very true. However, in true Islam (Submission), as revealed in the Quran, nothing could be farther from the truth.
God treats men and women as spiritual equals., Quran 3:195 tells us :
"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER........."
Many of the Muslim countries who claim to follow Islam are treating women as a second class citizens, and some of these women accepted this situation thinking that is what Islam (Submission in English) is advocating. As mentioned previously, God, in the Quran made a complete spiritual equality between men and women, See 3:195.
Most of the degrading, humiliation and poor treatment in these Muslim Countries for women, came from the desertion of the Quran , and refusal of the word of God in favor of some fabrications written in Hadith books that put women on the same level with animals, monkeys , asses or dogs.
The total respect and rights guaranteed by God for the Muslim women can not be taken away by a lie written in another man-made book. While God made men and women spiritually equal as seen in 3:195 the traditional Muslims who prefer Hadith over Quran always remind the women of this alleged Hadith:
"Women are naturally, morally and religiously defective". (Bukhary).
That is what Bukhary writes not what God says, not what the prophet who represents the message of God could have said, since this statement is totally against the Quran. Because women usually do not have the physical strength of man, hadithists see them as "naturally defective". They forget that women have other natural qualities in which they are superior to men, like their ability to endure pain, the ability to bear children, etc.
Hadithists see women as "morally defective", conveniently ignoring the fact that the vast majority of individuals jailed for murder, rape, child abuse, etc. are men. And hadithists claim that women are "religiously defective" but it is they (not God in the Quran) who forbid their daughters from praying and fasting during their menstrual periods and it is they (not God) who discourage the women from going to the mosque, even for Friday prayers.
Their problem is that they have taken the words of men instead of the words of God. After making it all but impossible for a woman to practice her religion for about 25% of her life (the amount of time most women have their periods), is it any wonder that hadithists claim that the majority of people in Hell are women????!
However what God revealed in the Quran is very different. The spiritual equality between men and women is reiterated in 4:124, as follows:
"As for those who lead a righteous life, MALE OR FEMALE. while believing, t hey enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice"
and again in 16:97:
" Anyone who works righteousness, MALE OR FEMALE, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense for their righteous works."
and yet again in 40:40,
[40:40] Whoever commits a sin is requited for just that, and whoever works righteousness - MALE OR FEMALE - while believing, these will enter Paradise wherein they receive provisions without any limits.
I believe it is time to go back to the Quran, and believe God, before a day comes when the messenger will complain to God, that the Muslims deserted the Quran,
God treats men and women as spiritual equals., Quran 3:195 tells us :
"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER........."
Many of the Muslim countries who claim to follow Islam are treating women as a second class citizens, and some of these women accepted this situation thinking that is what Islam (Submission in English) is advocating. As mentioned previously, God, in the Quran made a complete spiritual equality between men and women, See 3:195.
Most of the degrading, humiliation and poor treatment in these Muslim Countries for women, came from the desertion of the Quran , and refusal of the word of God in favor of some fabrications written in Hadith books that put women on the same level with animals, monkeys , asses or dogs.
The total respect and rights guaranteed by God for the Muslim women can not be taken away by a lie written in another man-made book. While God made men and women spiritually equal as seen in 3:195 the traditional Muslims who prefer Hadith over Quran always remind the women of this alleged Hadith:
"Women are naturally, morally and religiously defective". (Bukhary).
That is what Bukhary writes not what God says, not what the prophet who represents the message of God could have said, since this statement is totally against the Quran. Because women usually do not have the physical strength of man, hadithists see them as "naturally defective". They forget that women have other natural qualities in which they are superior to men, like their ability to endure pain, the ability to bear children, etc.
Hadithists see women as "morally defective", conveniently ignoring the fact that the vast majority of individuals jailed for murder, rape, child abuse, etc. are men. And hadithists claim that women are "religiously defective" but it is they (not God in the Quran) who forbid their daughters from praying and fasting during their menstrual periods and it is they (not God) who discourage the women from going to the mosque, even for Friday prayers.
Their problem is that they have taken the words of men instead of the words of God. After making it all but impossible for a woman to practice her religion for about 25% of her life (the amount of time most women have their periods), is it any wonder that hadithists claim that the majority of people in Hell are women????!
However what God revealed in the Quran is very different. The spiritual equality between men and women is reiterated in 4:124, as follows:
"As for those who lead a righteous life, MALE OR FEMALE. while believing, t hey enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice"
and again in 16:97:
" Anyone who works righteousness, MALE OR FEMALE, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense for their righteous works."
and yet again in 40:40,
[40:40] Whoever commits a sin is requited for just that, and whoever works righteousness - MALE OR FEMALE - while believing, these will enter Paradise wherein they receive provisions without any limits.
I believe it is time to go back to the Quran, and believe God, before a day comes when the messenger will complain to God, that the Muslims deserted the Quran,
السبت، 12 مايو 2007
The king of Brunei offers his people an all-expenses-paid trip to Mekkah once a year. Why does he do such an extravagant thing? Because Brunei is an Islamic country and a follower of Islam is required to make a pilgrimage to Mekkah once in their lifetime. I guess, it doesn’t hurt that he’s also ruler of the richest country in the world.
Islam made its appearance in the 7th Century (600s) AD and is the second biggest religion worldwide. One way to understand Islam and its followers, Muslims, better is to understand the basis of their religion. There are five acts of worship that the Muslims call the Five Pillars of Islam. These are 1. Sahabah, 2. Salat (prayer), 3. Zakat (charity), 4. Ramadan (fast), and 5. Hajj (pilgrimage).
Sahabah is the phrase “La ilahah illa Allah, Muhammad rasul Allah” (“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is his messenger.”). A person wanting to become a Muslim is to recite this phrase. This must be done before two adult witnesses that are Muslims.
Islam is the fastest growing religion and this is mainly because a lot of people are born into Islam. Their fathers whisper Sahabah into their baby’s ear when they are newborns and the child is then raised in the ways of Islam.
Large amounts of the people who are acquainted with Muslims are astounded at prayers centrality to Muslim life. This is because Salat (prayer) is one of the most important acts of worship for a Muslim.
A Muslim is to pray 5 times a day. They recite a ritual prayer in Arabic in combination with certain body movements. At the end of the prayer it is common practice to say a small personal prayer. All ritual prayers are to be performed facing the direction of Mekkah. This is why a lot of prayer mats have in-built compass’.
Zakat (charity) happens once a year for a Muslim. Zakat is somewhat similar to a tithe in that a certain percentage of a Muslims income is to be given. Eight groups of people qualify to receive money from Zakat, among which are the needy, debtors, captives and also the Zakah collectors. Zakat is also used for social purposes like building hospitals, schools and mosques.
Adaqa or “secret charity” is very much encouraged among Muslims. A Muslim that gives Adaqa does it as extra to the yearly Zakat and offers it in secret. Charity among Muslims is not always in wealth form, however. Mohammed once said that, “Even meeting your brother with a cheerful face is charity.”
Ramadan (fast) is an annual event where Muslims refrain from eating and sexual relations during daylight hours. The point of Ramadan is for a Muslim to gain sympathy for the hungry.
There are certain people who are exempt from taking Ramadan: the sick, elderly, those on a journey, and women pregnant or nursing. The days missed are to be made up at a later date, however.
If that is not possible, say for an elderly person, they are to then to feed a needy person for the amount of days required. Because there is such a high birth rate in Islamic countries, mothers are often unable to make up the days required and are therefore thought to be “behind” spiritually.
There are two major festivals for Muslims. One of those is Fid al-Fitr, which takes place at the end of Ramadan. During Fid al-Fitr parties are thrown with special food, and people exchange presents and cards. Many give money to the poor beforehand that they may also partake in the celebrations.
If anyone knows anything about Islam, it’s usually about Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mekkah. A Muslim is required to make a Hajj once in their lifetime. That is if they are financially and physically capable of doing it. Many save up for years to make the pilgrimage. There are more than two million a year that go.
Mekkah is the birthplace of Muhammad. The Muslims who make the Hajj all dress in simple, white cloths to represent them all as equals. Together they perform prayers and religious rituals that they believe Muhammad, Abraham and Hagar did.
The Festival Id al-adha, one of the most important celebrations in Islam, commences at the end of the Hajj. Prayers are prayed and gifts are exchanged. Many Muslims then sacrifice a sheep or goat. One third of the meat from the animal is given to the poor.
I hope that you may put down this paper and continue on in your life with a better understanding of the Muslims in this world. Even if there’s only one point from this essay that stays with you, my goal will be complete. For what is it they say? Actually, maybe they don’t say anything at all…Still shouldn’t we be striving to better understand those around us everyday?
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