اللهم أنصر المسلمين في غزة و شد عليهم و عليك بكل العملاء و الياهود

الأحد، 17 يونيو 2007

Addiction Prophet Muhammad in the Torah and the Bible

( promising Messenger comes after me called Ahmed) 

Thank God, prayer and peace on the Prophet of God 

We would like to remind the promise heralded by the Torah and the Bible prophetically our Prophet Muhammad-peace be upon him - although distortion by the emergency, which Valtourah the hands of the people today distorted invasive Edka that this difference which can be found at many things between copying and reprinted. There are three versions of the Torah : Hebrew, Greek, Samaritan Church, and all those who claim that the copy is correct, and there are clear differences between versions of the Torah and translations. This has led to distortions away many Albharat or obscure features, however, remained something of this Albharat many, does not hide this Albharat of the extant, and offered to conduct the Messenger of Allah-peace be upon him - detached from passion.

It said some of these Albharat behalf of Muhammad-peace be upon him - was briefed by some Muslim scholars on these texts, but the constant distortion of this book came to these texts, it is those contained in the book of Isaiah : (I made carer Mohammed, Oh Mohammad Quddus Oh Lord, your name existed forever), saying that the name of Muhammad exist forever OK to tell the prophet - peace be upon him - : (I prophet and Adam Menecdel in Tinth).

In the Torah in Hebrew sanitation III of the travel Habakkuk : (The ground was strewn from Thamid Ahmed, the King in his right hand necks United).

In the printed version of the old London in 1848, and other printed in Beirut in 1884, and copies of old find in the travel Habakkuk text in a very frank and clear : (We lit up the sky from Bahaa Mohammed, and the ground was strewn from Hamdeh, ... Zjerk in rivers, and your voice rising in the sea, you Mohammed Laden, has Ratk Vartaaata mountains).

And we meet God with another series of these signs, and remember Board in the narrative of the subject : 1-right answer instead is a religion of Christ Ibn Taimiya, 2-messengers and messages of Dr. Omar Al-Ashqar, 3-A copy of the Torah and the Bible Pig in Arabic and German.

Sometimes little reason for the Prophet-peace be on him -, in the travel Seconding sanitation third session : (accept the Lord from Sinai, and brightest of them started, as evidenced by Varan Mount), and Sinai is the place where Moses km God, and I place God who leaked it to Jesus, Varan is the mountains of Mecca, where God revealed to Muhammad-peace be upon him - and the fact that the mountains are Varan Mecca, showed verses from the Torah. God has brought these holy places in saying : (The figs and olives, Mount Sinai, and this country Secretary)

The Torah revelation mechanism in place Isaiah sanitation per session : inspiration from the Arab point in the rough). The commencement of the revelation in the Arab in the rough in Ghar Hara

In this position of the Torah talk about immigration prophet - peace be upon him - and an indication of who immigrated to : (besides water to meet the thirsty ground Oh population Tema, Lavoie Pkhbaze fugitive, in front of the swords they had fled, in front of the sword Consumptive, From the arc undo the taut, and the ferocity of the war), and Tema of Medina, and, if considered in the text emerged clearly that you talk about the prophet, peace be upon him Migration

Plus, the previous text says : (So he said to me in one year, Mr. Year of the employee exhausted all the glory Kedar, and the rest of Kasi heroes Beni Kedar less, because the Lord God of Israel had spoken), the text speaks of the battle of Badr, but after years as one employee of migration was signed by Badr, and artistic glory Kedar, and Kedar, sons of Ismail, the people of Mecca and his sons, I have said Kasi sons Kedar after the invasion of Badr

Some texts and the Torah to place immigration prophet - peace be upon him - In Isaiah 2:17 Session : (for flying wild and joins cities, homes inhabited Kedar, the department's Sala capital mountains Ihtphua to give God glory ...) Kedar, a son Ismail as stated in Genesis sanitation XXV number XIII. Sala and Mount goods in Medina. The cheering and chanting of the prayer, which was still flying open space five times each day, so freeze and Amplification in the holidays and parties day and night were Hailing the mouths of the pious people of the city the good side, parked goods. Here only so much of this seminar, in the hope of meeting you in another episode, God prophetically promise of a series of book Mohamed Jews and Christians distorted today, and prayed God bless the Prophet Muhammad, praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

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