اللهم أنصر المسلمين في غزة و شد عليهم و عليك بكل العملاء و الياهود

الأحد، 10 يونيو 2007

The glorious qur'an an modern science ... PREFACE




This book grew out of my Islamic religion and my scientific background. It is based on my Arabic Book “Universe and Scientific Marvels of Quran” (1980) and the objective comparative study, dealing with the Holy Scriptures examined in the Light of modem knowledge, prepared by the French Surgeon Dr. Maurice Bucaille in his book “The Bible, The Quran and Science" (1976) Dr. Bucaille was struck by the existence of Muslim piety and by aspects of Islam which,

until now, remain unknown to the vast majority of non-Muslims. In his research. he learnt Arabic and studied the Quran in its original language. In it, he was surprised to find several statements on natural phenomena whose meaning can only be understood through modern scientific knowledge.

He said “The comparison of several Biblical and Quranic narrations of the same subject shows the existence of fundamental differences between statements in the former, which are scientifically unacceptable. and declarations in the latter which are in perfect agreement with modern science. These differences between the Quran and the Bible serve to disprove
all that has been maintained without a scrap of evidence concoming the allegation that Muhammad is supposed to have
copied the Bible to produce the text of the Quran!

The Quran follows the two Revelations that preceded it and is not only free from contradictions in its narrations, the sign of the various human manipulations to be found in the Gospels, but provides a quality all of its own for those who

examine it objectively and in the light of science i.e., its complete agreement with modem scientific data. What is more, statements are to be found in it that are connected with science; and yet it is unthinkable that a man of Muhammad’s time could have been the author of them."

Modern scientific knowledge therefore allow us (as indicated in my present work in this book) to understand certain verses of the Quran, which until a recent time, has been im-possible to interpret. This proves that the Quran was produced by none other than the divine Agency.

What initially strikes the reader, confronted for the first time with the glorious Quran. is the sheer abundance of scientific subjects discussed The planet Earth (its early history, shape, rotation, revolution, mountains, atmosphere. hydrosphere, and weather phenomena) Vegetation and Animal king­doms, Human reproduction, Astronomy (the Sun, Moon, Planets, Meteors, Stars), Space Travel, Cosmology (extraterrestrial life, origin and fate of the universe), and other subjects.

You cannot find a single error in the Quran and you have to ask yourself ; if a man was the author of the Quran, how could he have written facts in the Seventh Century A.D. that today are shown to be in keeping with modems scientific knowledge ?

In view of the level of knowledge in Muhammad’s day, it is inconceivable that the statements in glorious Quran could have been the work of a man. Therefore it is perfectly legitimate, not only to regard the Quran as the expression of the last immortal Revelation inspired to Prophet Muhammad by God Most High, but to award the Quran a very special place on account of the guarantee of authenticity it provides. The Quran is not meant for one class or race, it is universal and Is addressed to all worlds in all ages. The presence of scientific statements in the Quran represents a permanent challenge to all unbelievers

I hope that this book may be interesting and useful to the general reader. The reader I have in mind, needs no special

scientific background. he needs only the ability to realise the false nature of the judgments generally made in the West about Islam; he also needs spiritual forces necessary for opposing tins pollution of thought practiced by many contemporary scientists.

Judaism and Christianity make no secret of their inability to cope with the tide of materialism and invasion of the West by atheism. Bath of them are completely taken off guard, and from one decade to the next, one can surely see how seriously diminished their resistance is to this tide that threatens to sweep everything away. Therefore I invite my- readers to enjoy the spiritual and scientific aspects of this book. I hope that you credit the Holy Quran, Prophet Muhammad and Islam. I invite you also to read, study and digest all the Holy Book, the Glorious Quran and let it sink into your heart and soul, read the Quran not only with the tongue, voice and eyes, but with the best light that your intellect can supply and even mare with the trust and purest light, which your heart and conscience can give I hope also that you can learn Arabic to enjoy rhythm, music and the exalted tone of the original Arabic text of the Glorious Quran. It is in this spirit that I would have my readers approach the Quran. Such approach will be your own reward. I would be pleased if you would write and let me know that my labour has not been in vain I shall pray that God may realise my hope, show us the straight way, and reveal to us the secrets of the Quran, that holy book , in which the guidance is sure withsent to prophet Muhammad and in their heart have the assurance of the Hereafter, those who will prosper.

God Mast High says in the Quran:

«And that those on whom knowledge has been bestowed may learn that the Quran is the truth from the Lord. And that they may believe therein, and their hearts may be made humbly (open) to it for verily God is the Guide of those who believe to the straight way”

(Sura 22,Verse 54)

Glory to god Most High , full of Grace and Mercy;

He created All. including Man. To Man He gave a special creation. He honored man to be His Agent, purified his affections, gave him spiritual insight through

the Quran so that man should understand himself and know

God through His wondrous Signs in nature and glorify Him in truth, reverence and unity.

speciall thx to :

Prof. Dr. Mansour Rassab EZ-Naby

Physics Dept. Univ. College for women

Ain Shams Univ. Heliopolice


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